The photos below are from our dive on the Mirlo (or Green Buoy wreck, or the San Delfino - depending on who you believe) on June 8, 2014. Photos by Nancy Hite, Capt JT, and Mike Boring

Yoda, Karen, Mike B., Marc the Mate, Mike P, James, Brad Flat seas for the first dive of the morning
There was no wind which was a good sign! Mike B. helping Brad get ready for his dive
Mike B. James
Mike P. Karen
Nancy (aka The Admiral) and Capt Jt
Capt Bill
Brad taking photos
Brad hanging after his dive
Nancy checking out the aft deck Gun
Nancy checking out the prop
The rudder
Nancy taking photos of the Aft Deck Gun
Nancy giving the OK sign
Who you looking at?
Nancy taking photos by the Aft Deck Gunl
Waiting for the divers to come back
There are rebreather divers on the anchor line after the dive. Really they are there!
Capt JT gets a shot of Nancy on the Diver Lift while Capt Bill helps take her fins off
Mike B. takes a photo of Capt JT